
Therapy for Tennis Elbow


Doctors know the condition as lateral epicondylitis while others call it “tennis elbow ” . Its common in people who play sports such as tennis and squash.

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

It’s a classic repetitive stress injury caused by overuse. Any activity that strains muscles around the elbow over and over again can cause it.
In tennis, hitting a backhand puts stress on your forearm muscles, repeatedly contracting when you hit the ball. If you have poor technique or grip the racquet too tightly, that stress may increase in tendons connecting forearm muscles to elbow. The tendons may get small tears.


  • Repetitive Motions
  • Neck problems
  • Tightness of Forearm Muscles
  • Poor ergonomics (using mouse)
  • Shoulder Tightness
  • Too much vibrations


  • Tenderness on the outside of the elbow
  • Pain when gripping things
  • Weakness in the forearm
  • Weak grip
  • Pain that originates from the outside of the elbow and runs down the forearm
  • Swelling

These symptoms start gradually but may get worse over time.

Why Physical Therapy?

Pain relief: Our first step is reducing inflammation & resting irritated muscles & tendons. Ice massage & compression initially reduces pain & swelling.  Heat therapy to relax the muscles.

Electrotherapy: We use modalities like TENS, Therapeutic Ultrasound, IFT currents, Muscle stimulation to reduce spasm, increase local blood circulation, reduce pain, helps in healing.

Strengthening Exercises: Our goal is to improve strength and flexibility of forearm muscles. We will teach you set of exercises that helps build & maintain strength using elastic bands, dumbbells, eccentric/concentric/isometric exercise program.

Manual Therapy: We use techniques like soft tissue mobilisation, deep tissue kneading, fascia release techniques are used to break soft tissue tightness, soreness & ease out pain.

Shockwave Therapy: Very helpful in chronic pain, stimulates healing process, reduces deep pain, gives instant relief.

Taping: Kinesiology tapes & braces provide support to the muscles, reduces pain, provides mobility.

Stretching: We will teach you set of specific stretches to gain flexibility as flexible muscles tendons are extremely important in prevention of most strain or sprain injuries.

Tips for Prevention

  • Wear a brace and take breaks as often as you can.
  • Learn to use your shoulder and upper arm muscles to take the strain off your elbow.
  • Stick to the middle of your range of motion — avoid bending or straightening your arm all the way.
  • Warm up and stretch before sports and other repetitive activities.

Restore your healthy life by Physiotherapy

We provide one-to-one, personalised therapy sessions with healthy tips & guidelines for your body.

For more information reach out to us at –
Pooja Physiotherapy & Healthcare Center

Blk 77 Indus road #01-521S’160077

Call now@ 6384 5452 or Whatsapp@ 8322 3371 or
drop an email at info@physiopooja.com.sg

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